What do you do when you’re in a funk? How many days do you allow yourself to live there? Four. It is four days. Max. It is more than a weekend but not an entire week.
I had a lot to do last week. Periods of extreme motivation combined with periods of extreme binge-watching on Hulu.
I always eat super clean and healthy and find movement more effective than therapy. Running and yoga are my faves. I’m addicted to/obsessed with my Apple watch. Last week, I ate popcorn and bananas for most of my meals. I didn’t even put on my Apple watch for days.
I told one of my friends I wasn’t feeling super motivated to do anything and she asked if I was journaling. Nope. Meditating? Not even a little bit. Reading? Negative. Then she asked what I was doing for my self-care. Binge-watching Veronica Mars. Doesn’t everyone do that for self-care?
I watched all FOUR seasons of it plus a movie. In a ridiculously short period of time. It was aggressive. I am hardcore competitive about everything and was “all in” with this too. It is possible I didn’t shower every day. Ok fine…I skipped two showers.
It was only on the fourth day that I started to feel guilty. I was doing a crazy cleanse designed to mimic fasting so I rationalized my lack of activity to the cleanse. But, the truth is I just needed a break. The previous two weekends were packed with events. And drinking. And dancing. And more drinking. I needed to recover and have some alone time. Introvert.
I chose to get to know Veronica. I somehow missed the show when it originally aired. Watching more television in four days than I have watched all year is not exactly healthy. But…Veronica Mars is a badass. I love her. I want to be her. She is strong and smart and sassy and totally fearless. She doesn’t care what people think about her at all. A little damaged but aren’t we all? I don’t know if other people think of her as a female role model but she was exactly what I needed.
And, now I’m back. Getting shit done. Asking myself…What Would Veronica Do?